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Sport and Transit: Boost your Digestion Naturally


Sport and Transit: Boost your Digestion Naturally

Exercise and transit are closely linked in a way that can improve your digestive well-being and naturally boost your overall health. By engaging in regular physical activity, you can promote better blood circulation, stimulate the proper functioning of your digestive system and prevent digestive disorders such as constipation and bloating. By incorporating circulation exercises into your daily routine, you can improve your digestion and promote better body mobility.

Key points to remember:

  • Physical activities promote better blood circulation and optimal digestion.
  • Incorporate circulation exercises into your daily routine.
  • Prevent digestive disorders such as constipation and bloating.
  • Improve your body mobility by doing sports constantly.
  • Movement is essential for your overall health.

Hydration as a tip to boost your digestive system

Hydration plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of the digestive system. This is because water is essential for the breakdown of food and the absorption of nutrients. In order to optimize your digestion and improve your overall health, it is recommended to follow a few tips to hydrate yourself adequately.

First, start your day by drinking a large glass of water. This will help wake up your digestive system and prepare it for digesting food. Then, throughout the day, make sure to eat fruits and vegetables with a high water content. Options like watermelon, cucumber, watermelon, and citrus fruits are great for maintaining proper hydration.

To remind yourself to drink regularly, don't forget to carry a bottle of water with you. Keep it handy at the office or on the go. A sip of water every hour can be enough to keep your body well hydrated and promote better digestion.

Tip: For extra flavor, you can add a few slices of lemon, cucumber or mint to your bottle of water. This will give a refreshing note to your drink.

In summary, hydration is a simple but effective tip to boost your digestive system. By ensuring you stay well hydrated throughout the day and favoring foods rich in water, you can contribute to better digestion and optimal overall health.

The importance of sleep for good digestion

Sleep plays an essential role in the regeneration of the digestive system. During sleep, the body produces melatonin, a hormone that facilitates intestinal transit and promotes better digestion.

The production of melatonin during sleep has a regulatory effect on intestinal transit, thus helping to maintain proper functioning of the digestive system. This hormone helps slow down intestinal transit, allowing for better absorption of nutrients and efficient elimination of waste.

Lack of sleep can have harmful consequences on digestion. Lack of sleep has been shown to lead to slowed bowel movements, which can cause problems like constipation and bloating.

Additionally, lack of sleep can also disrupt the production of hormones that regulate appetite. When we're sleep deprived, our bodies produce more hormones that stimulate appetite, which can lead to overeating and digestive problems.

To promote healthy digestion, it is important to maintain a regular sleep routine. Try going to bed and waking up at the same time every day to regulate your body clock and promote good quality sleep.

Creating an environment conducive to sleep is also essential. Make sure you have a quiet, dark and cool bedroom, and avoid sources of light and noise that could disrupt your sleep.

Finally, it is recommended to avoid consuming caffeine and alcohol in the evening, as these substances can disrupt your sleep and have a negative impact on your digestion.

The benefits of exercise on digestion

Regular physical activities can stimulate the muscles of the intestine, promoting more efficient movement of food through the digestive system. This can prevent digestive disorders such as constipation and bloating. Simple activities such as walking, yoga and swimming can benefit digestion.

  • Walking after meals can stimulate digestion by energizing the movement of food through the digestive system.
  • The twisting movements involved in yoga can improve blood flow to the digestive organs, thereby promoting better digestion.
  • Swimming is a low-impact sport that prioritizes overall health, including digestive health. Smooth, regular movements in the water can stimulate the muscles of the intestine and help prevent digestive disorders.

By incorporating these physical activities into your routine, you can not only improve your digestion, but also enjoy many other benefits for your overall health.

Physical activity

Benefits on digestion


Stimulates digestion


Improves blood flow and digestion


Prevention of digestive disorders

The role of probiotics in digestive health

Probiotics play a vital role in maintaining the balance of bacteria in our digestive system. These beneficial bacteria help prevent and treat diarrhea, improve digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, and strengthen our immune system.

Probiotics occur naturally in certain foods such as yogurt, kefir and sauerkraut. However, to increase our intake of probiotics, food supplements are also available on the market.

To support good digestion and optimal overall health, it is crucial to maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in our gut. Probiotics are a natural and effective solution to achieve this balance and improve our digestive well-being.

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We are excited to introduce Stimium Vital LLR, the first three-layer vitamin and mineral complex, enriched with Ginseng (also found in Stimium KG and Stimium Rgn3 Reload) and Tribulus.

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Stimium Vital LLR, a food supplement compliant with French and European standards, constitutes the ideal response to combat fatigue, improve your physical and mental performance, strengthen your immunity, strengthen your antioxidant defenses and maintain optimal vision.

With a full range of vitamins and minerals, tribulus and ginseng, Stimium Vital LLR offers three-step assimilation for maximum effectiveness. Easy to digest, this supplement becomes an essential ally during your bodybuilding training, running, cycling, team sports, and even in your daily life to deal with stress and improve your concentration.


Taking care of our digestive system is essential to maintaining good overall health. We have discovered that sport and transit are closely linked, and that regular sporting activities can stimulate better digestion, improve blood circulation and prevent digestive disorders. By incorporating tips such as hydration, maintaining good quality sleep, adopting a balanced diet and using probiotics, we can all help improve our digestive well-being and naturally boost our general health.

It's important to remember that movement is essential to maintaining a healthy digestive system and promoting a better quality of life. By incorporating physical activities into our daily routine, we can boost our digestion and promote better overall health. Whether through circulation exercises or moving around while playing sports, we can improve our digestive well-being.

As a result, adopting an active and balanced lifestyle can have a significant impact on our digestive and overall well-being. By caring for our digestive system, we support optimal health and a better quality of life. So, let's not forget the importance of movement in our daily lives and continue to favor sports practices for our digestive well-being and our general health.


How can exercise improve digestion?

Regular exercise can stimulate the muscles of the intestine, thus promoting more efficient movement of food through the digestive system. This can prevent digestive disorders such as constipation and bloating.

What types of physical activities are beneficial for digestion?

Simple activities such as walking, yoga and swimming can benefit digestion. Walking after meals can boost digestion, the twisting movements involved in yoga can improve blood flow and digestion, and swimming is a low-impact sport that promotes overall health, including digestive health.

How can hydration improve digestion?

Hydration plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of the digestive system. Water allows food to break down and nutrients to be absorbed. It is recommended to start the day with a large glass of water and consume water-rich fruits and vegetables throughout the day.

What is the role of sleep in digestion?

During sleep, the body produces melatonin, a hormone that facilitates intestinal transit and promotes better digestion. Lack of sleep can lead to slowed bowel movements and increased production of hormones that stimulate appetite, contributing to digestive problems.

How can probiotics support healthy digestion?

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria for the digestive system that help maintain the balance of bacteria in the gut. They can prevent and treat diarrhea, improve digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, and strengthen the immune system.

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