Health and Well-being food supplement: to take care of your joints
Joint pain has become a scourge of our modern societies. Back pain, neck pain, muscle fatigue, worn knee cartilage, ankle that lacks stability, osteoarthritis, rheumatism...we are all faced with these types of problems. These can appear with age, following poor posture, due to premature wear, possibly due to excess weight, the reasons are multiple.
There are no miracle solutions, but rather a set of gestures and habits to resume, eating healthily, adopting good (straight) postures, doing stretching or yoga-type activities regularly, practicing physical activity, not be overweight, and if necessary, take dedicated supplementation over several weeks in order to regenerate the cartilage.
Discover our new products in the Health and Well-Being range
Within the meaning of Directive 2002/46/EC applicable in France, food supplements are foodstuffs whose purpose is to supplement the normal diet and which constitute a concentrated source of nutrients or other substances having a nutritional or physiological effect alone or combined. Presented in dose form, food supplements exist in several dosage forms: capsules, tablets, syrups, ampoules, capsules, sachets... Food supplements are located between the food that nourishes and the medicine that treats. Depending on their composition, their role can be nutritional or physiological. They act in three areas: (1) Filling dietary deficiencies, certain food supplements compensate for dietary deficiencies. Without replacing a balanced diet, they meet the specific needs of certain populations (athletes, children, pregnant women, elderly people, etc.), (2) Eliminate or alleviate everyday discomforts that can appear in healthy people (difficulty falling asleep, joint discomfort, difficult digestion, stress, etc.). In all its situations, the food supplement provides a measured and effective response against these inconveniences, and (3) Prevent and maintain good health, by acting on the reduction of disease risk factors (lowering cholesterol, strengthening mineral density bone, etc.) and by maintaining physiological balance, many active ingredients present in food supplements help keep consumers in good health. Please note that French regulations are among the strictest in the world.
These food supplements have become essential for prevention because as the adage says, prevention is better than cure. By taking charge of our health, we become an actor in our internal balance. Given the difficulties of our health system, it is no longer possible to go to your doctor for “mild” symptoms. With the medical information available today, it is relatively easy to determine which products to take for the majority of minor ailments. In all cases, the pharmacist, even overwhelmed by the latest health crisis, Covid tests and other vaccinations, and the pharmacy team remain available to provide advice on taking medications without prescriptions or food supplements.
Taking care of your health, before even considering taking supplements, means above all respecting a few simple rules. Eat well, which means eating balanced, in reasonable quantities and above all good foods, that is to say seasonal foods while limiting the consumption of processed foods. The corollary of eating well is drinking well. It is advisable to limit the consumption of alcohol, soda and fruit juices, which are concentrated sugars, generally refined, and therefore of little interest for the body (which needs sugars, but good sugars, at an index low glycemic, these are the so-called slow sugars). After eating well, you need to rest well. A real rest is a moment when the brain is disconnected, especially from work worries, where the screens are turned off and where we let our mind wander as it pleases. This may seem simple, but today it has become very difficult to disconnect everything, faced with multiple requests (visual, audio, etc.). If we respect these very simple rules, a big step has already been taken to preserve good health. By eating correctly and sleeping at least 7 to 9 hours a night, you have a good chance of boosting your immune system. In any case, it is increasingly easy to track this type of information thanks to our phones or connected watches. Our watches are also very useful to us for another major criterion of good health, namely the practice of daily physical activity. Our body is a beautiful mechanism, but like a plane which must fly otherwise it will wear out more quickly if it is stuck on the tarmac, our body must also move, not necessarily by practicing a marathon every day, a Regular walking is already a very good thing (a goal of 6 to 8000 steps is often a reasonable goal), without this energy expenditure, back pain will appear, a risk of being overweight can also occur as well as cardiovascular problems.
Stimium Laboratories therefore offer associated advice and food supplements on what we will call several types of therapeutic areas:
- Stress, with Stimium Ashwagandha , the most powerful natural physical anti-stress, with antioxidant properties, strong restoration of physical energy, improvement of endurance and resistance, a product supported by multiple scientific data.
- Circulatory comfort, notably with Stimium GINGKO , which in addition to improving circulatory functions, stimulates sports performance, via an increase in blood flow allowing an increase in nitric oxide (NO) concentrations,
- Immunity, for example with Vital LLR , the only product on the market combining vitamins, minerals, ginseng and tribulus and releasing its active ingredients in 5 minutes, 45 minutes and 8 hours for more energy, vitality and boosted immunity , or even Ginseng from Stimium KG , which in addition to its properties on protecting the immune system, will increase the production of nitrogen monoxide (nitric oxide - NO)
- Joint pain, with Stimium® Joint Flex for joint, muscular or tendon stiffness, as a treatment or even Sport Collagen with Magnesium and acerola with Stimium® Kolaflex
- Concentration, with Stimium Bacopa to be even more focused than usual, by acting on strengthening concentration, by allowing you to manage stress, by increasing motivation in order to intensify efforts and by increasing the speed of processing of information. Staying focused to anticipate the dangers of driving in the rain is obviously more than necessary
- Cardiac function, with Stimium GABA , which in addition to its action on increasing cardiac output helps to lower muscle tension, reducing muscle spasms (muscle-relaxing neurotransmitter)
- Vitality, with Stimium MVM with its 13 vitamins and 12 minerals or even spirulina with Stimium SPIRU organic spirulina dosed at 500mg, with highly bioavailable vitamins and minerals
- Slimming with Stimium Thermoshape to burn fat and/or Stimium Hydro Off to combat excess pounds and have an interesting draining effect, while knowing that these products are only really useful as part of a varied and controlled diet !