Discover the dynamic profile of Jenny, lifeguard and mother of a 14-year-old boy, living near Lyon.
Since the age of four, sport has been an integral part of Jenny's life, and she pursued studies in this field. Refusing to limit herself to a specific discipline, Jenny explores her desires of the moment, whether in trail, on the road, in cycling, in raids or in triathlon.
For Jenny, the main thing lies in conquering challenges that seem insurmountable, in surpassing herself and in the intense pleasure she finds there. She digs deep within herself to finish each event with the satisfaction of having given everything.
Traveling the globe, Jenny has had the chance to participate in numerous races abroad, from Sri Lanka to Peru, from Marrakech to Munich, via Rome.
And its appetite for new challenges is only growing, with already the excitement of choosing the destination of the year 2024.
Follow Jenny's journey, an inspiration to anyone looking to push their limits and live their passion for sport to the fullest.