Another effect of Omega 3!

We knew the benefits of Omega 3 for their ability to reduce triglycerides in the blood (responsible for heart disease) thanks to the EPA, for their effectiveness in the management of blood pressure in people with hypertension thanks to EPA, for the benefits on brain functioning thanks to DHA, for reducing joint discomfort, or for improving skin quality.

Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated, composed of several double bonds in their chemical structure. Omega 3 contains 3 fatty acids: ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).

But that's not all ! Certain lipids promote weight loss. Several studies have shown that Omega 3 is essential to the body. As a reminder, the body does not know how to synthesize them even though they are involved in numerous metabolisms and participate in the structure of cell membranes. We therefore generally see weight loss in groups that have benefited from Omega 3 supplementation in clinical studies. It's a bit as if each organism was saying: "I have my dose of essential fatty acids, I can trigger their combustion for energetic reasons". This memory of the body is called epigenetics. Epigenetic phenomena in the field of nutrition are called nutrigenomics. In the context of essential fatty acids, it has been demonstrated that the latter are capable of modifying the structure and activating proteins capable of removing methyls within the genes regulating the production of enzymes responsible for fat burning! The gain in weight and fat mass is not only “immediate” but also in the long term – omega 3 allows you to maintain a healthy weight over a longer period of time, so there is a very interesting residual effect.

By regularly taking Omega 3, either Stimium OMG , fatty fish (such as mackerel, salmon, sardines) or oilseeds, you stimulate your “lipolysis” and you will be able to burn fat. The effect is obviously interesting as such, but it is even more so in sports, and particularly in endurance. You can get your energy from your muscle glycogen stock but also from your fat stock (we are working at Stimium on a new product based solely on very specific fatty acids!)

The conclusion is therefore quite simple, not all fats are bad! Omega 3s are “good fats”, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), essential constituents of (cell) membranes and instruments of cellular communication. So obviously, to lose weight, Omega 3s don't do everything, products like Stimium Thermoshape to burn fat and/or Stimium Hydro Off to combat excess pounds and have an interesting draining effect, will be just as relevant, alone or in combination, but to lose weight, it is especially important to pay attention to your diet, with a suitable diet (little or no alcohol, little or no sweets, do not skip meals, etc.).

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