Cyclo training plan (100 km) in 12 weeks: week 5 (2022)

Increase in intensity | Time spent on the bike: 4h to 5h

Week 5


Day off :

Rest days are when you recover from your training and get stronger. Try to eat and drink well today without overdoing it.


Outdoor/indoor 1 hour; threshold intervals Zones 3/4

Focus: Increase the intensity of efforts and the pace. Sweet-spot is so named because it offers big training gains without the need for much recovery.

Warm-up: 20 min

2 times :

· 5 min. at the threshold of Zones 3 and 4 (high Z3/low Z4)

· 1 min. active recovery

· 5 min. threshold

· 1 min. active recovery

5 times :

· 3 mins. threshold

· 1 min. active recovery

10 minutes complete recovery

Maintain a regular pedaling frequency. Do not force the pedals or vary the frequency.

Don't move your upper body and keep your grip on the trigger handles of your bike.


Day off

Your second day off of the week. Discover some techniques you can use to optimize your recovery.


Outdoor/indoor: 1h00; Pyramid Intervals

Focus: A threshold-boosting workout that's great for developing your ability to quickly find and maintain that key intensity.

Warm-up: 20 min

· 1 min. in Zone 4

· 1 min. active recovery

· 2 min. in Zone 4

· 2 min. active recovery

· 3 mins. in Zone 4

· 3 mins. active recovery

· 4 mins. in Zone 4

· 4 mins. active recovery

· 5 min. in Zone 4

· 4 mins. active recovery

· 4 mins. in Zone 4

Carry out the sequence in reverse for up to 1 min.

10 minutes complete recovery

Heart rate and intensity should remain constant.


Cross training; 1h00

Bonus session: Bonus Session – This session is not essential, add it to your training week if you have time.

Choose an activity that will help you develop your fitness and flexibility. If you already do this type of physical activity then continue to incorporate it into your week. If not, try something new like a gym class, swimming, running, or other similar activities. Remember to start all new activities slowly, don't overdo it. You can opt for gentle and restorative activities such as Yoga or Pilates.


Flexible day

You will probably need to adapt your training program according to your work and family life.

A flexible day like this serves to give you more flexibility to adapt.

So if you have to move the sessions, try to keep the following structure: 1 day of training on the bike followed by a day of rest or another activity.

Do not ride from one day to the next.


2-hour bike ride: improving running endurance

Focus This will probably end up being a bit shorter than last weekend, but try to correct any mistakes you made with your pedaling cadence and/or managing your energy resources.

Warm-up #1:

Rhythm is key. Stay in Zone 1-2. This may seem very easy to achieve at first, but be disciplined and stick to your zones.

Plan for some decent climbs.

Fine-tune your nutrition and hydration strategies during this outing.

There may come a time when you want to go out with friends or members of a cycling club. It's great and you'll learn techniques for riding in a peloton and/or group, but don't be pushed to ride at a pace that's too fast for you.


And our nutrition advice to help you perform:

30 min before each session, take Stimium® PreWorkOut Max (2 spoons diluted in a shaker or a large glass of water). It will help you improve your muscle work and resistance to exercise capabilities.

During each outing, take Stimium® boost Powder (1 measuring spoon in 1 bottle, drink a sip every 30 min) or alternatively our Stimium® boost gummies (one gum every 30 min) to support the effort.

For your long outing, Stimium® Pro-Nrj caps (up to 4 capsules 30 min before the race). A long-lasting stimulant.

Within 1 hour 30 minutes of your outing, take Stimium® Rgn3 Clean-Up (1 measuring spoon in 1 bottle, drink a sip every 30 minutes) to replenish your glycogen, vitamins and mineral reserves . And for the Sunday outing Stimium® Iso Carb (2 pods to dissolve in 400 ml of water or milk) to help your body rebuild its muscle fibers and replenish your deep glycogen reserves (muscular and hepatic).

If you have some cramps, take 2 sticks of Stimium® Mc3 after your outings and 2 in the evening. Continue for 2, 3 days.

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