How to optimize muscle growth?

Posted by Jean Baptiste on

How to optimize muscle growth?

We don't wake up one morning and say to ourselves "how can I optimize my muscle growth"? This is a question that a coach can raise for an athlete, or quite simply the athlete himself when the latter wishes to progress after having reached a plateau in his training. There are actually multiple reasons why a person might seek to optimize their muscle growth, including:

Improved health : Increasing muscle mass can help improve overall health. Muscles are important for metabolism, hormonal balance, joint stability and injury prevention.

Physical Performance : Increasing muscle mass can also improve physical performance, whether it's lifting weights, sprinting, endurance, or any other type of physical activity.

Aesthetics : For some people, optimizing muscle growth may be motivated by aesthetic reasons. Developed muscles can improve physical appearance, which can contribute to better self-esteem and increased confidence.

Aging : Loss of muscle mass is a common problem among older adults, which can lead to decreased strength and mobility. Optimizing muscle growth can help prevent or slow this muscle aging process.

It is important to note that optimizing muscle growth should be done in a healthy and gradual manner, taking into account individual needs, physical limitations and the recommendations of a healthcare professional or qualified trainer. To optimize muscle growth, here are some recommendations to follow:

  • Eat enough protein : Protein is essential for the growth and repair of muscle tissue. Athletes need adequate protein intake to maximize muscle growth and improve strength. It is generally recommended to consume between 1.6 and 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. You can consume a classic Whey Concentrate (although prefer concentrations of 80%), or even a Whey Isolate , the protein without sugar, without fat and above all without lactose, perfect for those who are cutting and wish to quickly optimize their muscle growth. Finally, it will be possible to opt for a Vegan protein, some have made great progress, such as VegPro , which is a vegetable soy protein isolate concentrated at 95%! Finally, to avoid excesses, do not hesitate to favor sugar-free protein bars for your lunch or snack breaks, for refills that are lower in protein, but easily consumed.
  • Consume carbohydrates : Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for muscles. Athletes need enough carbohydrates to maintain energy levels during training and to replenish glycogen stores in muscles after training. You can consume these carbohydrates via an exercise drink (to be consumed during or after) or via a preparation drink like MC3Powder , a magic powder based on citrulline and maltodextrin to provide energy but also facilitate the oxygenation of the muscles.
  • Eat enough healthy fats : Healthy fats are important for overall health and muscle growth. Healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, rich in EPA and DHA, can help reduce inflammation and improve post-workout recovery.
  • Do resistance exercise : Resistance exercise is essential to stimulate muscle growth. Resistance exercises, such as dumbbells, weight machines, and free weights, create micro-injuries in muscle fibers, which are then repaired and strengthened during the recovery process. To be even more efficient, do not hesitate to consume BCAAs to promote recovery, but also creatine to boost work capacity.
  • Get enough sleep : Sleep is important for recovery and muscle growth. During sleep, the body releases growth hormone, which is important for muscle growth. This is also why Stimium released SDR gummies which promote recovery through an effect on relaxation and falling asleep.
  • Limit alcohol and tobacco : Alcohol and tobacco can have a negative effect on muscle growth. Alcohol can impair recovery and reduce growth hormone levels, while tobacco can affect lung function and recovery.

In short, to optimize muscle growth, it is important to eat enough protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats, engage in resistance exercise, get enough sleep and limit alcohol and tobacco.

It is also important to know your muscle mass ratio, which is the ratio of muscle mass to fat mass in the body. To determine the correct muscle mass ratio, you can use several methods, including:

  • Body composition analysis: This method uses technologies such as bio-impedance, dual energy x-ray densitometry (DEXA) or photon emission x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) to measure the amount of fat and muscle mass in the body. These technologies provide accurate measurements of body composition and can help determine the correct muscle mass ratio.
  • Anthropometric measurements: This method uses measurements such as waist, arm and thigh circumference, as well as skinfold to estimate the amount of fat and muscle mass in the body. Although this method is less precise than body composition analysis, it can provide a general indication of body composition and muscle mass ratio.
  • Visual observation: This method involves visually observing the body to determine the muscle mass ratio. Although this method is very subjective and not very precise, it can give a general idea of ​​the amount of muscle mass and fat in the body.

It is important to note that the optimal muscle mass ratio can vary from person to person depending on factors such as age, gender, genetics, physical activity level and fitness goals . If you are looking to determine your muscle mass ratio, it is recommended that you consult a healthcare professional or personal trainer who can help you assess your body composition and develop a training and nutrition plan tailored to your needs and to your goals. Muscle growth is therefore entirely possible and achievable as long as we do proportionate training, with a regular increase in load, to avoid injuries, and build strong and resistant fibers. Up to you !