The extraordinary power of plants in nutrition

Plants and plant compounds

Indian Nettle:

What is this ?

The Indian Nettle (Coleus forskohlii) is part of the Lamiaceae family, it is native to India or East Africa. It produces diterpenes, including forskolin which is mainly found in its roots (Alasbahi and Melzig 2010). This plant has been used for several centuries in traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda medicine).

What is it for?

Forskokine is the activator of an enzyme (adenylate cyclase) which plays a key role in the use and breakdown of lipids (lipolysis of adipocytes) for heat production (thermogenesis). This phenomenon thus promotes weight loss (fat burner) while preserving muscle tissue .

Forskokine would also have a role as an antidepressant and dilator of vessels ( vasodilator ).

Where can it be found in Stimium® products? In Stimium Thermoshape the best fat burner !

Garnicia Cambogia:

What is this ?

Garcinia Cambogia or Malabar Tamarind, is a small tree of the Clusiaceae family, species originating in tropical Asia, Africa and India in particular. The peel of its fruit contains an active ingredient, hydroxycitric acid .

What is it for?

Hydroxycitric acid would play a role in increasing the synthesis of serotonin (neurotransmitter), which would lead to a faster feeling of satiety .

In addition, hydroxycitric acid inhibits the action of an enzyme (citrate lyase) which would prevent the synthesis of lipids (lipogenesis) and lead to greater degradation of carbohydrates for energy synthesis .

Where can it be found in Stimium® products? In Stimium Thermoshape to burn fat, particularly as part of a dry workout, combined with isolate -type proteins, fat-free and sugar-free for example


What is this ?

Caffeine, or 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine, belongs to the methylxanthine family. It is naturally present in more than sixty plants, such as coffee, tea, kola nut, guarana and mate.

Caffeine is quickly and completely absorbed by the digestive tract after ingestion. It is metabolized by cytochrome P450.

Once metabolized, caffeine is transformed into three different molecules:

Paraxanthine (1,7-dimethylxanthine, 84% of the initial compound), theobromine (3,7-dimethylxanthine, 12%) and theophylline (1,3-dimethylxanthine, 4%). Each of these three metabolites is then metabolized and then excreted in the urine (Miners and Birkett 1996). The half-life of caffeine is 5.7 h (Statland and Demas 1980).

What is it for?

The main action of caffeine is to inhibit the functioning of adenosine by blocking its receptors (antagonist) in the brain. In fact, caffeine has a structure close to that of adenosine, which allows it to prevent its attachment to its receptor (competitive inhibitor). This inhibition thus leads to an increase in nervous activity thanks to an increase in the release of dopamine and adrenaline .

Paraxanthin causes an increase in the breakdown of lipids (lipolysis) to be used as a source of energy in the muscles, resulting in a fat-burning effect .

Theobromine allows blood vessels to dilate ( vasodilation ), which allows better blood flow during training in the muscles and brain and also increases urinary volume (diuresis).

Theophylline causes relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bronchi, which allows better breathing (used in the treatment of asthma).

Where can it be found in Stimium® products? In Stimium Thermoshape to burn fat, but also in Stimium Hydro Off to fight excess pounds and have a draining effect or even in Stimium® PreWorkOut Max to improve resistance to exercise and prepare the organism for muscle strengthening loads, and in Stimium® Boost and Stimium® Pro-Nrj our effort erasers.

Bitter orange extract:

What is this ?

The bitter orange or sour orange tree is a tree in the citrus family. The fruit (bitter orange) contains an active ingredient, p-synephrine .

What is it for?

The effects of p-synephrine are similar to those of caffeine : increased blood pressure, increased heart rate and helps stimulate lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.

Where can it be found in Stimium® products? In Stimium Hydro Off to fight excess pounds and have a draining effect and in Stimium Thermoshape to burn fat.

Combination of several active ingredients to burn fat / suppress appetite

Raspberry Ketone:

What is this ?

“Raspberry ketone” (4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)butan-2-one) is one of the main aromatic compounds of the raspberry fruit (Rubus idaeus L., Rosaceae), generally 1 to 4 mg per kilo of fruit (Beekwilder et al. 2007). Raspberry ketone is quickly absorbed orally. It is largely excreted in the urine (90% in 24 h), mainly in the sulfo- or glucuronide form (Bredsdorff et al. 2015).

What is it for?

Raspberry ketone has a structure close to capsaisin (chili pepper), known to reduce hunger and increase energy expenditure . Raspberry ketone may play a role in the breakdown of lipids (lipolysis).

Where can it be found in Stimium® products? In Stimium Hydro Off to combat excess pounds and have a draining effect or in Stimium® PreWorkOut Max to improve resistance to exercise and prepare the organism for muscle strengthening loads

Green coffee:

What is this ?

Green coffee is the fruit of the coffee tree, a shrub native to Ethiopia and growing on the highlands of tropical areas which is part of the Rubiaceae family. Green coffee is not roasted , which allows it to retain all its virtues. Indeed, when it is roasted it loses two essential components, cafestol and kahweol . Green coffee also contains chlorogenic acid as an active ingredient.

What is it for?

Chlorogenic acid has a protective effect on cells against unstable molecules in the body (antioxidant) because it slows down the oxidation of lipids . In addition, chlorogenic acid has an effect on blood sugar levels because it delays the intestinal absorption of glucose and therefore its passage into the bloodstream.

Green coffee will also increase endurance and reduce fatigue , it provides better brain activity and leads to better elimination of waste via the liver and digestive system thanks to cafestol and kahweol. Finally, it promotes the breakdown of sugars and the elimination of fatty acids .

Where can it be found in Stimium® products? In Stimium Thermoshape to burn fat.

Cayenne pepper :

What is this ?

Cayenne peppers belong to the family of flowering plants (Solanaceae) and are closely related to peppers. They are native to Central and South America. The active ingredient in cayenne pepper is capsaicin .

What is it for?

Capsaicin causes an increase in metabolism by stimulating heat production (thermogenesis), this is known as diet-induced thermogenesis. It also helps reduce the feeling of hunger by reducing the production of the hunger hormone (ghrelin) and facilitating digestion .

Finally, cayenne pepper could also reduce high blood pressure .

Where can it be found in Stimium® products? In Stimium Thermoshape to burn fat

Black pepper :

What is this ?

Black pepper comes from the berries of the pepper tree, a tropical vine from the Piperaceae family. It originates from India and has been used for several centuries in traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda medicine). The active ingredient in pepper is piperine .

What is it for?

Piperine promotes the intestinal assimilation of certain vitamins, minerals and plant elements (phytoelements). It also has an antidepressant effect , by increasing the level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter which plays a role in well-being and a dilation effect on blood vessels ( vasodilation ). Piperine also supports liver and biliary functions .

Finally, piperine intervenes by promoting the production of heat (thermogenesis) thanks to the degradation of fatty acids , it therefore has a role as a fat burner .

Where can it be found in Stimium® products? In Stimium Thermoshape to burn fat.

Green tea :

What is this ?

Green tea is a tea whose natural oxidation is stopped quickly after picking. This process maximizes the concentration of catechins , active ingredients which have a very important role in the properties of green tea.

What is it for?

Green tea contains molecules that play a role in protecting cells against unstable molecules in the body (antioxidant), such as tannins (polyphenols), a catechin called epigallocatechin and vitamin C. Green tea is considered to be the food constituent with the strongest antioxidant power .

Green tea also contains theanine, an amino acid analog of glutamine, which acts on the brain by reducing stress and providing a relaxing effect . Epigallocatechin would activate heat production (thermogenesis), therefore green tea also promotes weight loss (fat burner) particularly in the abdomen.

Finally, green tea promotes renal elimination of water , which allows the elimination of toxins.

Where can it be found in Stimium® products? In Stimium Hydro Off to combat excess pounds and have a draining effect or in Stimium® Rgn3 Reload to restock vitamins and minerals after exercise.

Dandelion extract:

What is this ?

Dandelion, also called lion's tooth, is native to Western Europe. It is rich in minerals (iron, calcium, manganese and potassium) and vitamins (vitamin A, B6, B9 and C), fatty acids and even agents that protect cells against unstable molecules in the body (antioxidants). The main active ingredient in dandelion is taraxine which is responsible for its draining effect .

What is it for?

The main function of dandelion lies in its draining role by promoting urinary elimination (diuretic effect) thanks to taraxin, this diuretic effect thus makes it possible to promote the elimination of water in cases of water retention, edema or cellulite.

Dandelion also has an effect on weight loss by promoting digestion through an increase in biliary and liver functions. In addition, this plant species can treat constipation problems thanks to its plant fibers (fructans) with laxative powers .

Where can it be found in Stimium® products? In Stimium Hydro Off to combat excess pounds and have a draining effect.

Horsetail extract:

What is this ?

Horsetail, also called "field horsetail" is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Equisetaceae family . It is composed of silica , potassium chloride , vitamin C, tannins, saponins, iron oxide, flavonoids, manganese, sulfur and magnesium.

What is it for?

Horsetail has a draining effect by increasing urinary volume (diuretic effect) thanks to its flavonoid and saponin content. It also has a remineralizing effect thanks to its high silica content which promotes the fixation of calcium on the bones. Finally, it promotes healing and elasticity of the skin by increasing the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

Where can it be found in Stimium® products? In Stimium Hydro Off to combat excess pounds and have a draining effect.

Ginger :

What is this ?

Ginger is a species of plant native to India, from the Zingiberaceae family, of which its underground part (the rhizome) is used. It belongs to the same family as turmeric.

What is it for?

Ginger has a strong power to protect cells against the body's reactive molecules (antioxidant) thanks to gingerols (active ingredients).

In addition, ginger is known to have an anti-inflammatory effect and in particular helps reduce joint pain .

Where can it be found in Stimium® products? In Stimium® Joint Flex as a treatment to prevent joint problems.

Turmeric :

What is this ?

Turmeric is a species of plant native to India, from the Zingiberaceae family, of which its underground part (the rhizome) is used. Its active ingredients are the curcuminoid family.

What is it for?

Turmeric helps treat digestive disorders such as stomach aches, nausea, loss of appetite or feelings of heaviness.

Turmeric also has an anti-inflammatory effect , linked to its high concentration of curcumin, which allows it to reduce joint, bone and tendon pain. It is a widely used ingredient in multiple health applications.

Where can it be found in Stimium® products? In Stimium® Joint Flex as a treatment to prevent joint problems.

Rhodiola extract:

What is this ?

There Rhodiola or rhodiola is a perennial plant of the Crassulaceae family. Its active ingredients are located in its roots , including rosavin and salidroside.

What is it for?

Rhodiola plays a role in protecting cells against the body's reactive molecules (antioxidant). It would also have an important role at the muscular level by increasing the resistance of the muscles during exercise, by promoting the release of energy in the muscles and by allowing better recovery .

Finally, rhodiola allows an increase in cognitive abilities such as memory and concentration and allows better management of stress (mental and physical).

Where can it be found in Stimium® products? In our Stimium® Pro-Nrj gummies, in our Vital LLR mineral multivitamin, the only product on the market combining vitamins, minerals, ginseng and tribulus and releasing its active ingredients in 5 minutes, 45 minutes and 8 hours in a 3-layer tablet!

Ginseng extract:

What is this ?

Ginseng ( Panax ginseng ) is a perennial plant that belongs to the Araliaceae family. It is widely used in Asian medicine, the term Panax meaning universal remedy . Its main active constituents are ginsenosides .

What is it for?

Ginseng helps improve cognitive abilities , particularly memory. It has an anti-inflammatory and cell protection power against the body's reactive molecules (antioxidant) thanks to ginsenosides.

In addition, ginseng helps improve physical abilities and recovery . It fights against mental and physical fatigue and promotes alertness.

Where can it be found in Stimium® products? In our Stimium® Pro-Nrj gummies, in our Vital LLR mineral multivitamin and in our Stimium® Rgn3 Reload isotonic exercise drink, without obviously counting our 100% Ginseng product Stimium KG .

Guarana extract:

What is this ?

Guarana (Paullinia cupana) is a vine of the Sapindaceae family native to the Amazon. Its active ingredients are found in its seeds.

Guarana seeds have a very high caffeine (guaranine) content . They also contain xantines, alkaloids, pectins, tannins, amino acids, essential fatty acids, minerals (magnesium, calcium, zinc) and vitamins (A, E, B and PP).

What is it for?

Guarana has the same effects as caffeine thanks to its high concentration, it thus increases alertness and the breakdown of lipids (lipolysis) hence a fat burner action.

In addition, guarana functions as a cognitive stimulant by improving memory, concentration and attention.

Where can it be found in Stimium® products? In our Stimium® Rgn3 Clean-Up isotonic exercise drink and in our Stimium® Pro-Nrj gummies.

Beetroot juice:

What is this ?

Beetroot or Beta vulgaris is a subspecies of plants in the Amaranthaceae family, cultivated for their roots. Beets are a source of protectants against unstable molecules in the body (antioxidants), essential vitamins and minerals . They contain vitamins A, B6, B9, and C, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, zinc, nitrates and betalains.

What is it for?

Beetroot juice helps reduce blood pressure thanks to its nitrate composition. In fact, nitrates allow blood vessels to dilate ( vasodilation ), which improves blood circulation. This effect is particularly interesting for athletes because it allows better blood flow and better oxygenation of the muscles.

It also has anti-inflammatory effects thanks to betalains and prevents anemia thanks to its high iron content.

Where can it be found in Stimium® products? In the number 1 rubber in France for sport, Stimium® Pro-Nrj .

Tribulus terrestris:

What is this ?

Plant also called, Croix-de-Malte , belongs to the Zygophyllaceae family. Present in the Mediterranean, it is one of the only representatives.

What is it for?

Plant used in traditional medicine for its stimulating, aphrodisiac, palliative, astringent, antihypertensive, diuretic, lithotriptic (naturally destroying urinary clots), and urinary properties .

Where can it be found in Stimium® products? In Vital LLR , the only tri-layer tablet on the market combining vitamins, minerals, ginseng and tribulus and releasing its active ingredients in 5 minutes, 45 minutes and 8 hours!

Gingko Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is a tree native to China, but now grows in most parts of the world. Ginkgo extract has multiple properties, due in particular to its high concentration of antioxidants (flavonoids and terpenoids):

  1. Improved brain function and well-being.
  2. Improves memory, concentration and attention
  3. Reduces symptoms of anxiety,
  4. Increases blood flow allowing an increase in nitric oxide concentrations for better muscle oxygenation.
  5. improves cerebral blood circulation thanks to active substances (quercetin, bilobalides)

And at Stimium, we believe so much in the power of plants, widely used, including in medicines, that we have developed 5 products based 100% on their natural active ingredients:

Stimium Ashwagandha , the most powerful natural physical anti-stress, with antioxidant properties, restoration of physical energy, improvement of endurance and resistance,

Stimium KG which helps fight inflammation and oxidative stress - a plus to complete the effort

Stimium SPIRU and our organic spirulina dosed at 500mg, with highly bioavailable vitamins and minerals

Stimium Bacopa to make you more "focused" by acting on strengthening concentration, allowing you to manage stress, increasing motivation in order to intensify efforts and increasing the speed of processing information.

Stimium GINGKO , which in addition to improving circulatory functions, stimulates sports performance, via an increase in blood flow allowing an increase in nitric oxide (NO) concentrations,

Phytotherapy allows the use of natural active ingredients, derived from natural resources, not transformed via heavy chemical processes, allowing excellent bioavailability of the active ingredients. The European Pharmacopoeia recognizes the well-established use of many plants and derivatives, just as in many countries around the world, where the use of proven traditional plants remains commonplace. It nevertheless remains true that the principles of plants can also be very powerful, and that it is advisable, as always, to be careful, and to follow the dosages recommended in the instructions as well as the advice of your doctor.


Food supplements intended for athletes , ANSES opinion, November 2016

Micronutrition and nutritherapy, Jérôme Manetta.

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