Fitness training plan, tip #4: vary the pleasures

Tip #4 : Vary the pleasures

Your trip to a gym is in preparation and even more so when you tackle bodybuilding. From free weights to Olympic bars to guided machines, it's important to educate yourself properly before you start lifting dumbbells. Find our advice below before tackling cast iron and being able to vary the pleasures!

  • Make it a habit

Going to the gym for the first time is a great start, but you won't see visible effects on your body if it doesn't become a habit. It seems difficult when you feel sore the day after your first workout and that's why it's important to stay motivated and visualize the end result. It seems that it takes 21 days to create a habit... All that remains is to count the sessions!

  • Control your repetitions

Beginners often learn by observing. This is not a bad thing, but if you copy someone who performs a bad movement you risk not getting the expected results or worse, getting injured! This happens when you don't completely master an exercise and try to lift too heavy. Choose a weight suited to your level and progress at your own pace.

  • Do multi-joint movements

Poly- ? Poly-articular, which means that involves several joints. Before trying to isolate your quadriceps (muscle at the front of the thigh) with a leg-extension machine, start with squats which will engage several muscle groups by soliciting various joints. Starting with this will boost your metabolism a lot more, you'll gain strength and burn more calories. At Stimium, to help you have strong and solid joints, we have developed Stimium ® Joint Flex (2 capsules), the most complete product on the market.

  • Perfect posture

How your spine is positioned when you perform an exercise will have a direct impact on your physical abilities. For most exercises, engage your core by sucking in your navel, pull your chest out and brace your shoulder blades. Your spine and neck should always be in a neutral position.

A healthy spine is the backbone of a strong core. If you don't strengthen your transverse (the deep abdominals that support the organs), your spine won't have support. When you train, even a simple movement like the bicep curl, engage your abs!

  • Connect your muscles to your brain

Leaving aside the nutrition part, going to the gym and performing all the exercises in your training plan will bring you 75% of the desired result. The remaining quarter will come from your desire during each exercise to think about which muscle(s) you need to contract and try to contract them as much as possible. The brain-muscle connection is essential to use the muscle fibers as much as possible. For the connection to be optimal, you must have the right amounts of vitamins during exercise. This is why we offer you Stimium ® boost Powder (1 scoop in 250 ml of water), an exercise drink offering you this supplement.

  • Complete your reps

Many beginners think mainly of the concentric part (where the muscle contracts) of the movement and forget the eccentric phase (where the contracted muscle returns to the initial position while stretching). This return phase must absolutely be controlled and the weight must not be allowed to fall in an uncontrolled manner. You risk injury and you will not work your muscles in their entirety.

Today's training:

  • Alternating side slits (20)

  • Burpees (1')

  • Board (30'')

  • Side board (30'' each side)

3 complete turns to complete

In addition and in order to maximize your results, we offer the following products:

  1. 30 min before exercise, take Stimium® PreWorOut Max (2 pods dissolved in 250 ml of water). This product will help you perform more repetitions for longer.
  2. If you want to build muscle, then you will need to add Stimium® BCAA Instant (1 scoop in 250 ml of water 30 min before exercise and 1 more after exercise)
  3. During exercise, remember to hydrate with Stimium ® boost Powder (1 scoop in 250 ml). The product will also provide you with energy and all the vitamins necessary to perform.
  4. In 1h30 following our activity and because we have sweated well, we recharge with Stimium® SPIRU which will help to replenish your vitamin and mineral stocks. And as a bonus, spirulina has a strong antioxidant effect, very beneficial for recovery.
  5. If you have cramps, take 2 sticks of Stimium® Mc3 , whose active ingredients will help you eliminate excess lactic acid. Continue to take it for at least 4 days, 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening (optimal course: 8 days)
  6. For those who are on a diet and have a little craving, replace a meal or snack with our low-sugar and low-fat protein bars: Stimium® Probar . To vary the pleasures, we have chocolate, coconut, coffee, caramel, peanut (vegan) flavors.
  7. In the evening, take Stimium® Iso Hwy (1 scoop in 200 ml of water or milk) to complete your protein intake, essential for muscle building. This whey is lactose-free, sugar-free and lipid-free. No stomach ache and we stay in shape!!


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