Basketball Physical Preparation

In basketball too, physical preparation plays a major role . Professor in exercise physiology at the Haute École Condorcet and doctoral student at the University in sports psychology in Mons (Belgium), Frédéric Renotte presents the particularities of this sport and its specific needs in terms of physical preparation.

The specificities of the physical preparation of basketball players

With its limit of 24 seconds per placed attack which requires you to walk the court from one racket to the other at a sustained pace, basketball leaves no room for downtime . It is therefore impossible for the 10 players on the field to hide . This is of course a major parameter to take into consideration when setting up physical preparation.

“As in ice hockey, the players are so permanently in the red that it requires numerous and rapid changes,” explains Frédéric Renotte. In basketball, players only have 24 seconds to try their luck at the basket, otherwise they lose possession of the ball. It is therefore not possible to voluntarily waste time , to somehow “freeze” the ball to give yourself some respite and catch your breath. This is the aspect of basketball that explains why core work is particularly important .”

Basketball: working on the background to gain lucidity

In addition to the purely athletic dimension, there is that of precision in shooting. Obviously, without background, there can be a loss of lucidity which can lead to a lack of precision on passes in offensive reconversion but also in shooting, during free throws.

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“This in-depth work is indeed essential but we must also target the intervals to effectively carry out the attacks and counter-attacks which follow one another at a frantic pace,” continues Frédéric Renotte . This speed is also important in layups. Then, there is also the power aspect that should not be overlooked: on the other hand, unlike rugby or football, for example, this power is not horizontal but above all vertical . More than in all other team sports, it is necessary to implement exercises intended to improve the quality of vertical jumps to dominate duels in the midfield as well as in each racket, during rebounds. »

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Another aspect that should not be overlooked in basketball is the disproportionate size of the majority of players, apart from the distributors. With their large frame which regularly reaches more than two meters, you have to find the solution to work a certain speed while not neglecting their power, quite comparable to that of pillars in rugby. There is therefore muscle strengthening to be planned constantly but also intervals, even for the biggest players. We must also try to prevent joint injuries to the knees or ankles as much as possible with proprioception (which undergo a lot of pressure), as well as work on mobility and changes of direction in confined spaces.

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