8 exercises to do cardio without a machine
To do cardio, you don't need a gym membership, a home trainer or going for a run. Focus on 8 exercises to try urgently!
Do cardio without running: follow the program!
Jumping Jack: what if we jumped!
It is certainly one of the oldest known aerobic exercises. The reason for its longevity is very simple: it works very well ! With your feet together, you must jump by raising your arms and spreading your legs. On the next jump, lower your arms and bring your legs back. Do this exercise several times and you will feel your muscles and lungs burning. It's too easy ? Accelerate! This exercise will prove to you that you can very well improve your cardio without running .
Photo Stimium® Iso Hwy + link to the product
Sculpt your body / Regenerate your muscles / Lose fat mass
Photo Stimium® Thermoshape + link to the product
Combination of several active ingredients to burn fat / suppress appetite
High Knees: raise your knees!
This exercise is the opposite of the heel-butt exercises regularly practiced by home cardio enthusiasts. It is much more intense at the muscular and pulmonary level. Test it: you will realize that lifting your knees in rhythm is not so easy. The heart races and the muscles heat up. This exercise is ideal during warm-up .
Photo Stimium® [C] Whey + link to the product
Sculpt your body / Regenerate your muscles / Lose fat mass
Photo Stimium® Hydro Off + link to the product
Combination of several active ingredients to burn fat / eliminate excess fluids
Mountain Climber: take on the mountain!
This fitness exercise will work your entire body , especially your legs, arms and abdominals. The principle :
- Place yourself facing the ground, resting on your toes and hands.
- Your hands are in line with your shoulders as in push-ups, arms and legs are straight.
- Caution: thighs, pelvis and trunk must be aligned if you do not want to injure yourself! Tighten your abs to hold.
- Raise one leg bent while keeping the other straight. Stay on tiptoe.
- Alternately, bring your right knee and your left knee toward your chest.
This relatively simple movement is very effective. It has its place at the start of a cardio program at home .
Photo Stimium® BCAA Instant + link to the product
Helps with muscle development / prevents muscle catabolism / helps with recovery
Photo Stimium® Thermoshape + link to the product
Combination of several active ingredients to burn fat / suppress appetite
Burpees: the art of jumping!
Like the Mountain Climber, this exercise is complete. Thanks to it, all the muscular chains of the body are activated and heated. It also places enormous demands on the sheathing and therefore carries the promise of a wasp waist. How it works ?
- Stand with your feet slightly apart.
- Your legs should bend and your hands should rest on the ground.
- Give a slight push and throw your legs back. You then arrive in a plank position: the back is braced, the arms are straight, the body is aligned.
- Return to the initial position.
- Get up and start the sequence again!
This exercise should be integrated rather in the middle of the program . There are variations that can help you break away from the monotony of cardio at home. Do not hesitate to ask !
Photo Stimium® Preworkout Max + link to the product
Increase in work performed, simple and repetitive exercises and muscular adaptation during exercise / reduces the effect of physical and mental fatigue
Photo Stimium® Hydro Off + link to the product
Combination of several active ingredients to burn fat / eliminate excess fluids
Pumps: timeless!
It is one of the pillars of military training and certainly one of the best known cardio training exercises . Whether you do them on your knees or on tiptoes, you must always take care to protect your back well, if you want to avoid hurting yourself.
Photo Stimium® Pwr Creatine + link to the product
Increase in work performed, simple and repetitive exercises and muscular adaptation during exercise / reduces the effect of physical and mental fatigue
Photo Stimium® Pwr Creatine tabs + link to the product
Increase in work performed, simple and repetitive exercises and muscular adaptation during exercise / reduces the effect of physical and mental fatigue
La Planche: the great classic!
It’s impossible not to include this exercise in a cardio program. As with the pumps, we take care of its sheathing and we don't tremble! Guaranteed effectiveness!
Photo Stimium® Preworkout Max + link to the product
Increase in work performed, simple and repetitive exercises and muscular adaptation during exercise / reduces the effect of physical and mental fatigue
The Iceman: for the bravest!
This may be the hardest home cardio exercise to do! It requires agility and coordination . However, once you master it, the results are worth the difficulty. How to proceed ?
- Stand up, keep your back straight. Your feet are a little apart and your arms at your sides.
- Then jump on the right side. The right leg is in front while the left goes behind. Your left arm goes forward while your right goes back.
- Then jump to the left side while performing the opposite movements. To help you, imagine that you are a skater.
To succeed in this exercise, take it slowly. Take your time.
Photo Stimium® Veg Protein + link to the product
Sculpt your body / Regenerate your muscles / Lose fat mass
Crunchs: for abs that will make you pale!
This is the perfect specific exercise for your abs . It is very well known and exists in many variations. Choose the one that suits you best!
Doing cardio at home is actually quite simple when you know the exercises to do. All that remains is to motivate yourself and include a program made up of these exercises (or their variations) in your training, two or three times a week. The best way to practice them? HIIT! But you can also opt for LISS. We tell you about these two cardio practices in this article: “how to do cardio at home” .
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to seek advice from a sports professional to help you.
Photo Stimium® [C] Whey + link to the product
Sculpt your body / Regenerate your muscles / Lose fat mass